Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This is a tough subject for many. We are spending around $1,000/month for food, gas, clothes and toiletries, diapers, cleaning supplies etc. Dave thinks it is too much. I want to know what everybody else spends per month and see if I am really overspending or we are about the same. If you feel comfortable leaving a comment for me privately I'd love some feedback on what your house spends...if not that's okay...Dave and I will still argue every month about who is right:)


Andrea Whidden said...

We spend way more than that, I don't have an exact number....I will find out for sure though and let you know.

Trish said...

I am so glad that Chris and I are not the only ones that have this argument. We spend about the same. I always tell him-then you do the shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He wants me to do the whole grocery guru with the coupons and stuff-not my cup of tea!!!!!! So he said if he wants the coupons done-he will have to do it!

Alix Bryant said...

We spend:
$400 groceries (yes, including Costco food)
$250 gas
$70 per kid for diapers, baby food, clothes, etc
$100 toiletries, cleaning supplies, etc...

So, I don't think you're spending sounds outrageous. Good luck!