Last week was Ashley's 2 year check up. She is 36 1/2 inches tall, 95th percentile and 29 pounds, 75th percentile. She has been these pecentages consistently since she was born....thanks Daddy for the height!! She didn't even cry when she had her flu shot...she was more interested in taking the band aid off and on and saying "ow Mom". She is really a good kid overall. As any typical 2 year old, she wants to do everything herself and screams NOOOOOOOOO very loudly when I attempt to help in any way. She still loves to play peek a boo and her favorite videos are Toy Story 1 and 2 and Cars...which guarantees us 88 quick minutes of quiet when we need it! She is enchanted with the whole process of going potty, but mostly likes to do the motions just because Mommy and Daddy do it. She is still aways from connecting when she has to go to actually going on command. I've resorted to being one of those mothers that let's Ash watch cartoons on the DVD player in the car just so I don't have to hear "Mama" four hundred times a minute.....believe me my sanity is on the brink some days:) She is quite loving these days and loves to kiss and hug who ever she playing with at random...we soak this up as much as possible:) We still do Little Gym and she is adventureous, however she wants to do activities on her terms and isn't quite as willing as she used to be to perform on command during class. During the name game she refers to herself as "me"...cute. We are anxiously awaiting how she will react to her new baby sister in March...stay tuned!