Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maddie's BELATED birthday pics

I know that she turned one on March 24th...however life gets busy and I'd still like to have a record of it on the blog. Enjoy. The following video is an example of why you never take cake from a baby on her birthday.....

Random kiddie pics

I have so many fun pics that I've taken over the last few months that I wanted to share. Just a glimpse into our life with 2 girly girls who love each other one minute and are pulling each other's hair the next!

What happens when you let a 14 month old feed herself.......

Let's just say that we do not get to eat yogurt or oatmeal in the morning if we need to hurry out the door...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ashley starts softball!

Treat time!!!

Throwing the ball

Learning some rules

Taking a "little rest"

We are super excited for Ashley to be learning how to play softball this year. She plays with her good friend Garrett and each week the kids rotate between stations for 10 minutes at a time and learn lots of fun new skills like hitting, running and catching. The last 2 weeks of the program will be a mock T-ball game, should be hilarious since all the kids are only 3-5 years of age.

Memorial Day Fun

The Zoo
The Zoo
Allison and Maddie...7 months apart in age!!
We had a fun weekend without Daddy while he was camping in Canyonlands. We went to the Zoo on Sunday with Nana and then to the park. Nana hadn't been to the Zoo since we were kids and was surprised how much it had changed for the better. The weather was great and we even ran into Deb's friend from college, Alix.  We had our friends Kate, Garrett and Allison over for dinner on Saturday.