Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

We enjoyed a very nice dinner at Deb's parents house with her brother Craig and his boyfriend Ian. Ian lives in London...so he flew a long way for my Dad's famous mesquite smoked turkey! On Friday Dave braved the Black Friday rush and went to Best Buy to purchase a new laptop computer for $350. He entered the line at 4:15am and it was already a few hundred people long. The store opened at 5am and Dave managed to get the computer he wanted, then waited another hour and a half to pay for it. Deb and Ash slept at home peacefully during all the madness. It is definitely worth losing some sleep for a laptop that is half price off, however Dave pointed out that people in general are so pushy and rude trying to get every last thing they want. It definitely ruins the spirit of Christmas:( Deb shopped off and on the rest of the weekend and we also managed to get Christmas lights up before the snow falls. Deb set up all the decorations inside and Ash took them down as quickly as she could reach them. Needless to say our tree this year has only 2 boxes of shatterproof ornaments, which are all clustered on the bottom right side of the tree right where Ash "help" put them. It's definitely not an entry for the Festival of Trees however it was fun having Ash help and you can't help but laugh every time you look at the tree!